Crescono sempre più le soluzioni di Mobile Payments per i Merchant
— aldo caruso (@aldocaruso) November 25, 2014
from Twitter
November 25, 2014 at 08:53AM
Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards. -Aldous Huxley
Crescono sempre più le soluzioni di Mobile Payments per i Merchant
— aldo caruso (@aldocaruso) November 25, 2014
@iweloop Is it possible to change/replace the strap with a different one?
— aldo caruso (@aldocaruso) November 24, 2014
@iweloop the link does not work!!
— aldo caruso (@aldocaruso) November 24, 2014
L'Europa secondo Vladimir Putin
— Alberto Forchielli (@Forchielli) November 17, 2014
Ho vinto un badge per aver completato il mio profilo
— aldo caruso (@aldocaruso) November 14, 2014
Si può dire: Chi di clone ferisce, di clone perisce!!
— aldo caruso (@aldocaruso) November 12, 2014
A tutti i possessori (come me ) di device HTC dico: un po' di pazienza!!
In summary:
- Android still at top stable
- Samsung is going down while Xiaomi is going up
- Touchwiz and other customized Android OS's are going down while pure Android versions are going up
Google is winning all over
While many are eager for Apple to start selling its new watch as soon as possible, a leaked internal message suggests that we might have to wait until spring of next year before we can put one on our wrists.
According to Apple employees, reports 9to5mac, Apple Senior Vice President of Retail and Online Stores Angela Ahrendts explained in a staff video that "we're going into the holidays, we'll go into Chinese New Year, and then we've got a new watch launch coming in the spring."
We knew the watch was to ship "early 2015," but many had hoped that meant, like, January. Still, if the rumor's accurate—which it may or may not be!—a little breathing room gives them time to get things right, at least. [9to5mac]
New Material Design and Exchange support in Gmail 5.0
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App Reviews/News/Updates: App Review: Gmail 5.0 da CM Browser)
— aldo caruso (@aldocaruso) November 2, 2014